July 5, 2012 | , | 3

Tombthroat, Eden Apocalypse

Tombthroat: Eden Apocalypse

This German band couldn’t have picked a better moniker for themselves, as lead growler Ralf Keitel certainly sounds like his throat has been rotting away in a deep, dank tomb for the past 10 years. Low, guttural and indecipherable, the vocal style is more than appropriate for the brutal and technical death metal these guys are hurling around on Eden Apocalypse.

Culling from the past history of death metal, you can hear a myriad of styles within the blasting depths of Tombthroat’s modus operandi. Crushing gore-grind, traditional old school death metal and a bit of noodly doodly technical flourishes for good measure. Despite the bands abilities, however, Eden Apocalyspe is a bit of a one trick pony.

Now, before you get your gauntletted panties in a bunch, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. The band’s unflinching delivery is vicious, powerful and downright violent, but it can get a bit monotonous at times. These Germans know how to play the fuck out of their instruments and are quite capable of playing them rapidly, but a little space (“Of the Goat and the Lamb” does it’s best) to breathe here and there would do wonders for an album as bludgeoning and technical as this. And as a result, there’s no real differentiation between tracks. Each and every one of the eleven songs on this album container explosive percussion (“A-Dominion” is a prime example), rumbling bass, technical leads/solos and buzz-sawing guitars.

If you’re looking for a bludgeoning helping of technical death metal without having to do too much paying attention/thinking then Tombthroat’s Eden Apocalypse is just the album for you. Put this album in, turn it up to 11 and head bang the fuck out to your putrid heart’s content.