January 15, 2009 | | 3.5

Toetag / Shattered Realm, split

Knowing the reputation of Shattered Realm and having no experience with Toetag, I can safely say that I had some preconceived notions about what I was in store for with their latest split CD. And I was not disappointed. Right out of the gate you’re leveled with a haymaker that sends you reeling as body blow after body blow rain down for the remainder of the disc.

Featuring former members of Until the End, Mourning Again and Remembering Never, Toetag unleash three tracks of no frills, back alley beat down metallic hardcore. Aggressive vocals, bruising breakdowns and thick power chords combine to deliver one hell of an introduction to the group.

Shattered Realm close the back half of the split in typical fashion — a bit more metallic with some decent grooves. The New Jersey natives hold nothing back in their delivery, even throwing in some gust spots on the closing cover of Fury of Five‘s “Every Man for Himself.”

Only Yourself to Blame
Toetag get things started with mid-tempo, thundering drums and driving guitars as the raw, burly vocals let loose. Never letting up for a moment, the group pummel their way through the two minute long introductory track with reckless abandon.

Kill or Be Killed
“Kill or Be Killed” starts off a bit slower and with more groove than the opener. There’s a bit more of a depressive, bleak feel to the track as the beat picks up a bit. The chorus is catchy enough to shout along with and throw some fits in the air.

The Bottle
Taking a page out of the Blood for Blood book and tackling personal demons, the group thunder there way through the last track on their half of the split. Massive riffs get things underway and a mid-tempo groove settles in.

Hate for the World
Shattered Realm open up their half of the split with an immediate baseball bat to the back of the skull with this one. It’s high energy, high pace set it apart from the first half, but are still in line with the general theme of mayhem and confrontation. The riffing is tight and more metallic with plenty of groove. The guys slow it down a bit midway through, but it’s certainly no less bludgeoning.

Fight to Win
This next one has plenty of shout-along verses to get the blood pumping. Thick rhythms and driving riffs push this one along briskly with Joe Hardcore’s gruff vocal delivery. This is one hell of a strong track with a great slowdown just before a big scream at the two minute mark.

Bring the Violence/Every Man for Himself
The first minute of the final track is shout out of sorts backed by some beefy riffs. After it passes the guys get down to the riot with guest spots from Joe Non, original Shattered Realm vocalist Chris, as well as chorus help from the Mongoloids. It’s a raucous cover that will definitely leave its mark on you long after the short split is done.

~ ~ ~

In the mood to knock the shit out of yourself in a one-man mosh pit? Pop this split in and start swinging for the fences. The combination of ToeTag‘s slower, thundering rhythms and Shattered Realm‘s up tempo attack to the ribcage are the perfect match for one another.

Favorite Tracks:
All of them

Additional Notes: