May 16, 2008 | | 4

Gortuary, Manic Thoughts of Perverse Mutilation

With a little over a year of experience together as a band, Gortuary’s ability to eviscerate with like a rusty chainsaw to the bowels is only matched (and exceeded) by their technical prowess. This California crew of five slam from groovy downtuned riffs that surge with sludgy appeal to mind altering technical savagery. Thick crunchy bass rhythms from Jae permeate the air as drummer Josh’s aggressive and manic drum abuse cements the tone for guitarists Glen and Andre.

Both guitarists throw down crushing riffs at breakneck speeds with brutal results. Sludgy tones and an overwhelming flood of noise are accompanied by intestine twisting leads and hooks. Lead growler Oscar sounds as though he was nursed on battery acid as a pup. His deep guttural growls and gurgles pile drive home the band’s putrid and perversely vile lyrics all to the tune of slamming brutal death metal.

Mutilation by Double Penetration
The album’s opening slam starts off with what I believe is a clip from the movie 8mm. It’s definitely an appropriate pick to set the correct mood for Gortuary’s debut release. The clip lasts nearly a minute before a massive wave of sludgy riffs and manic drumming hit like a crowbar to the base of the skull. Throughout this one you’ll here crushing slams, thick bass, guitar squeals, technical tempo shifts and guttural vocals. The breakdown right before the three minute mark is something to look out for, as is the furious eruption of aggression around the four minute point.

Skull Fragments
“Skull Fragments” is a testament to the fact that you don’t want to be these dudes’ ex-girlfriend — we’ll leave it at that. The track opens quickly with sludgy riffs and more intensely manic drum work. There’s a slick underlying groove to this one as well that’s goddamned infectious. An incredible lead starts shortly after a few thick bass hits and cranial bruising breakdown. The track ends just as violently as it started.

Hereditary Retardation
Who the hell would have ever imagined a Forrest Gump sound clip as the opening few seconds to a brutal death metal track. Well, these dudes did and it actually worked out pretty well. “Hereditary Retardation” opens fast and violently with an all out aural assault that settles into a nice groove. I love the thick bass that Gortuary highlight throughout the album. This one is a churning, massive track with a sick lead just before the 2:30 and 3:30 marks.

Pedophilic Manipulation
Rapid fire drums and chaos ensue at the start of this next track. There’s so much guitar sludge and distortion that it’s nearly impossible to initially pick up the deep guttural vocals. There are a bunch of technical time changes throughout mixed with churning riffs and beefy drums.

Pool of Excrement
A big growl and pummeling drums greet the listener at the onset of “Pool of Excrement.” There’s enough sludge in this one that it sounds like the band are in the deep end of said pool. There are some groovy slams going on in this one — when combined with the prominent bass work you’ll be head banging in no time. The track ends in a churning whirlpool of putridity.

Transgender Dismember
Lost of thick bass and chugging groove get this one started as the band erupts into a full on hammer assault to the genitals. There’s more range to the vocals on this one, as either Oscar or another member of the band utilize a more midrange, gruff scream in conjunction with the deeper gurggles and pif squeals. I love the chaotic feel to this track right before the three minute mark. There’s a sick lead at the four minute mark that is pretty damned impressive.

Splatter Fecal Matter
Once you get past the poor choice of the Larry The Cable Guy opening sound clip Gortuary unleash unholy hell with absolutely crushing riffs and bone shattering rhythms. The vocals alone are enough to make you shit yourself. Aside from the opening few seconds this is probably my favorite track on the album — it’s simple brutal approach is aggressive as hell. Besides the groovy breakdown around the 1:30 mark rules.

Meat Grinder Homicide
“Meat Grinder Homicide” has a killer groove flowing as it beats your ass senseless. The opening drums and riffs could rupture intestinal tracts with ease. Crushing rhythms and thick bass continue throughout the track’s length to great effect.

Wake Up Murder
The final song on the album opens up with a great riff before pile driving drums join in. Insane blasts dominate as creative drum work and grooves work their way through your speakers. Chugging grooves mix with that signature bass sound right before an evil as hell riff at the 2:55 mark. Another technical lead shreds at the 3:20 point of the song. The track ends with a bruising and beefy series of breakdown riffs and heavy handed drums.

~ ~ ~

It’s not often that you get a brutal death metal band this young with such mastery at the members’ various instruments. From the manic assault on the drums to the sludgy downtuned guitar tones, Gortuary make a very impressive debut with Manic Thoughts of Perverse Mutilation. This young band moves beyond simple slamming riffs into a realm of technical brutality with each track on this release. I can’t wait to hear more from these guys.

Favorite Tracks:
Skull Fragments
Hereditary Retardation
Pool of Excrement
Transgender Dismember
Splatter Fecal Matter
Wake Up Murder

Additional Notes: