January 15, 2009 | | 3

Bribe, Bribed

From what little I’ve been able to find out about these guys, it appears as though they’ve been bludgeoning away in the Italian underground with a heavy, crushing take on brutal death metal. One look at the track titles gives you a pretty clear idea of what you can expect from this 15 minute long demo.

Taking their influences from the likes of Cannibal Corpse and Deicide, Bribe let loose with vollies of slamming riffs and manic rhythms. The vocals range from guttural growls to a few pig squeals, but overall carry the band’s disturbing message handily. The riffage found in the five tracks are hit with a nice consistence and shred like no tomorrow.

You’ve got to love any band that pulls a sound byte from one of my favorite shows, let alone one of the more disturbing scenes from the show’s history. After the clip finishes, we’re greeted with manic drum work and driving, evil riffs. The pace is ferocious and unrelenting as the deep, guttural gurgles and growls come in at the one minute mark. Layered vocals appear here and there throughout the track and help break up the monotone nature of the lead vocals well. These guys deliver with aggression and malevolence in everything they do.

Nothing More to Defend
“Nothing More to Defend” starts with some pretty memorable guitar work and rapid fire drumming. The pace quickens abruptly before settling into a slamming groove as the guttural vocals come in. There are a good number of Cannibal Corpse like guitar squeals that start to show up on this track along with some sick guttural grunts and squeals.

Live Fish Anal Shower
After reading the lyrics to this one, I couldn’t get the images out of my head quick enough. Wow. The music that accompanies this depraved story is just as all over the place as the topic is. Guitar squeals and pummeling rhythms jump around throughout the track leaving you off balance and open for the kill. Overall, it’s a pretty decent track.

Express My Supremacy
This next one starts with a chugging groove as it settles into full-on bludgeoning aggression. Layered backing growls and screams add some nice depth to the song as Bribe pummel their way through several tempo shifts and rhythmic blasts. Loving the growls and gurgles around that 1:45 mark.

Victim’s Prostate
Manic drum and spastic guitars get this final track underway at a good pace. It slows down briefly for some massive riffs as the vocals come in. This is one of the heavier and darker tracks on the demo. It’s got some seriously thick, slamming groove.

~ ~ ~

The five tracks on Bribe‘s demo prove that the band has what it takes to make a name for themselves in the brutal death metal scene — slamming riffs, manic drum work, guttural gurgles and insanely nasty lyrics. What more could you want?

Favorite Tracks:
All of them

Additional Notes: