May 30, 2008 | | 3.5

Abominable Putridity, In The End of Human Existence

And here I thought that putridity was disgusting enough. Well these dudes from Moscow must have unwittingly stumbled upon Sasquatch pleasing himself in a vat of his own excrement because they’ve stepped it up a notch. Abonimable Putridity bludgeon their way from mother Russia straight to your bowels with unfiltered, unrefined, brutal death.

In The End of Human Existence contains 10 of the most lethal, slamming death metal tracks I’ve heard recently. Guitars under the forceful hands of Sergey and Serg methodically beat and batter with soul crushing riffs and insidious hooks. The rhythm section comprised of Alexander (drums) and Andrey (bass) will leave you with heart palpitations as they thunder their way through each track. Wrapping up the band is lead gurgler Vladimir who’s vocals sound as though he’s growling with a mouthful of volcanic gravel.

Intracranial Parasite
The album starts off with the first 40 seconds of ambient and chaotic noise before the band comes in hard with chugging riffs and a big growl. The pace of this one is about as fast as flesh decaying, but does explode for brief bursts of manic drumming and speedy riffs. The vocals are indecipherable and evil.

Entrails Full of Vermin
A big growl and beefy riffs join thudding drums as the guys settle into some mid-tempo, sludgy death metal. Layered vocals add a new dynamic to the band’s sound that gives it a bit more depth. If you’re not slamming yourself around the room by the mid point of this one, you need to go find yourself some country music or something. The explosion of drum work at the 1:50 mark is pretty intense.

Blindfold Surgery
Chugging riffs and a long growl open up “Blindfold Surgery.” This one is heavy as hell with a definite apocalyptic feel to it. At first the maddeningly slow pace of the riffing on this album annoyed the fuck out of me, but now as I’ve gotten into the groove of huge riffs and growls, it’s hard to imagine these tracks any quicker.

Skin Removal
Ok, never mind what I said about the slow pace of the album. Abominable Putridity open up this next track in hyper defleshing speed before slowing it down a bit for huge, slamming riff work. The crushing breakdown right before the one minute mark is impressive.

Dissected From Within
I suppose this track of noise is the sound of one’s intestines being removed from within their own stomach cavity. It’s not enough to keep me listening to it for more than a few second before forwarding on to the next song.

Throat Fisting Abortion
A little Cannibal Corpse love is thrown into the chugging mix with guitar pick squeals here and there. This track actually has a decent heavy handed groove to it as it slows to a snails pace with beefy riffs and thundering drum work. It ends violently and with an extended growl.

Intestinal Putrefaction
I love the opening riff and drum work at the onset of “Intestinal Putrefaction.” It’s definitely a little higher paced and aggressive for a several beats before the group settles into their slamming groove. The drum blast as the first minute turns is a welcome tempo shift.

Victims Stuffed With Nails
Impressive drum work and blistering riffs accompany guttural growls as the pace is stepped up a bit at the beginning of this next track. There’s a bit of a sludgy feel to the crushing riffs throughout “Victims Stuffed With Nails” as the band shifts tempos quickly and smoothly.

Sphacelated Nerves
Huge riffs and heavy drum work gree the listener as “Sphacelated Nerves” gets underway. This one also has some of the more impressive and creative drum work on the album. Alexander is all over the place throughout, but maintains a fluidity to his beats that keep the songs momentum steaming toward your skull like an out of control freight train.

In The End of Human Existence
The title track is essentially the mix of some ambient and spacey noise, giving your the feeling as though you’re in the hollowed out shell of an industrial freighter waiting for your maker to gut you like the pig you are. Or, at least, that’s what I got out of it.

~ ~ ~

It looks as though we’ll need to keep our ears open for more slamming death metal to appear from the growing scene in the former Soviet block. If Abominable Putridity is any indication of what’s going on there, we should expect to see a whole hell of a lot more and diverse brutal death metal coming our way soon. As far as In The End of Human Existence, it’s hard not to get excited for the band’s next release — this is one impressive debut effort from the group.

Favorite Tracks:
Entrails Full of Vermin
Blindfold Surgery
Victims Stuffed With Nails
Sphacelated Nerves

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