The last time we heard from Salt Lake City’s Gaza they were spitting in the eye of God with their critically acclaimed He Is Never […]
Much like Ambassador Gun’s debut release, When In Hell, the band’s follow up sophomore effort is a violent blend of death metal, grind-core, crust, sludge […]
What do you get when you combine the concentrated efforts of members from Brutal Truth (Kevin Sharp on vokills), Mastodon (guitarist Bill Kelliher) and a […]
Strong Intention certainly deliver their brand of grinding hardcore with the strongest of intentions like flat-out malevolent intentions. Razorblade Express is a six track […]
Often credited with the birth (or unholy spawning depending on your view) of the deathcore sub-genre of extreme metal, Maryland’s Dying Fetus have just released […]
Hmmm… It would appear that I’ve been on a run of EPs as of late. When discs like this 15 minute blast of full-throttled grind-core […]
What better way to get introduced to two bands I’ve never encountered before than on a split EP release? None, right. And what a fucking […]
Holy fuck! By the time you hit the two minute mark on the first track of Cattle Decapitation’s latest helping of grinding death metal, you […]
For the first time in Phobia’s existence (22 years and counting), sole founding member and lead growler, Shane “The Pain” Mclachlan isn’t playing any of […]
In the genre of grind-core time is of the essence. So when you think a minute long blast of carnage overstays its welcome, imagine how […]