Infernal Legion, The Spear of Longinus
The Spear of Longinus, otherwise known as The Holy Lance, was purportedly the blade/lance that pierced our boy Jesus while he hung, crucified on the cross. Now, I don’t believe that’s a pro-Christian reference for these dudes out of Washington state. In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb based on the blasting, blackened death metal they sling as well as the album’s cover and song titles and say that Infernal Legion are wholly against all things religious.
The nearly seven minute album opener, “Reborn Through Bloodshed,” has got to be enough of a reason to believe that. From the unrelenting double kick drum attack to the complex riffage to the deep, guttural vocal attack, The Spear of Longinus starts off with a solid and impressive helping of death metal tinged with a little blackness and distant melody. “Wallowing in Your Own Filth” is probably my favorite track on the album. It’s a song that is layered, has depth and shifts from complicated riffing patterns to a barbaric chug and back again quite smoothly.
At times the technical, buzzing riffs and the gurgling growls tend to overwhelm a rhythm section that could use a little more power here and there throughout the album. Don’t get me wrong, I dig the tempo shifts and loads of double bass, but with that much going on, I’d like to be able to feel the rhythms when I crank the volume up it’s just not quite there in this mix. See “The Immaculate Deception” for an example of what I mean. There’s loads going on with the drums in this song, but it all sort of takes a back seat to everything else.
Other than that complaint, The Spear of Longinus is a solid helping of blackened death metal that also does a nice job incorporating a little doomy melody and old school buzzing guitars into the mix. Infernal Legion have something decent going on here, but there’s also plenty of room to grow. I eagerly look forward to their next full length.