November 16, 2009 | | 4

Gorgoroth, Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt

Gorgoroth: Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt

Legal disputes around the Gorgoroth name have plagued the band for the past year or so, but now that all is settled (legally anyways), this Norwegian outfit not only bring back a former vocalist (Pest), but also revisit their musical past with Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt. Unlike past efforts, the band’s latest album sees them embrace an older sound — one that’s a bit more structured and dynamic, foregoing the constant blasting of recent releases.

Pest’s mid-range, tortured gargling shrieks fit the slower paces perfectly, adding tinges of vehemence to each track. Musically, the band seems more focused on arrangements and structure over blindly bludgeoning listeners with blast after maniacal blast. the riffing throughout the album is more technical, the rhythms more dynamic and the overall feel of the album more mature. Sure the speed has been toned down for a majority of the album, but the band is just as foreboding and evil as ever.

Leading off with a brutish grunt that echoes out as it fades, this two minute long song opens up the album nicely. The mid-tempo bludgeoning rhythm thunders over thick riffs and Pest’s vocals. This is a fairly aggressive track that doesn’t have your typical black metal vibe. Oh, it’s evil alright, but the production gives it a little something extra.

“Prayer” gets to the root of the band’s sound with a more driven rhythm and textured guitars. It is the epitome of the band’s new sound — old school aesthetics with a modern production and arrangements. It’s a killer song that incorporates some nicely timed melodies here and there imparting a cold, melancholy feel on the track.

The feel of “Rebirth” has a more static overlay element to it that attempts to give it a bit of a lo-fi feel. It’s a nice touch, but not really needed, especially as the band focuses on creative guitar work. Overall, this is a much slower song that’s got a slightly brighter guitar tone, but no less suffocating. The vocals on the song are tremendous. Fucking awesome song.

Building a Man
“Building a Man” starts off with distant guitars and a strange production affect before the mid-tempo rumble of the drums really gets going. Again, Pest’s gargling screams work wonderfully with the overall feel of this song as it swells to epic heights with memorable guitars and the occasional blast. The blasting drums on this one are the first time the band showcases their well known speed and makes for a welcome change in pace on the album thus far.

New Breed
This next song has a great groove flowing through its black veins. The guitar work is memorable if not catchy and the vocals are shrieking without going overboard. This is definitely a new sound for the band, one that I will fully embrace, especially if they keep up this head banging vibe. Be on the look out around the one minute mark. The arrangement there is awesome. I’m loving the second half of this song as it shifts from bruising riffs and blasts to melancholy riffing.

Cleansing Fire
“Cleansing Fire” has a sweet blackened thrash feel to the opening riffs and mid-tempo drum beat. The pace picks up nicely once the vocals come in, but still remains steady. This one is a bit darker than the previous couple of songs as the band utilizes some nicely layered effects and guitars to build a cacophony of chaos and noise.

Human Sacrifice
More of that blackened thrash gets the blood flowing on “Human Sacrifice.” The guitar tone is much darker, as is the vocal delivery, but it’s still got a great vibe and head banging groove. Not a bad song.

Now this is what we’ve been waiting for — hundering drums at a near breakneck pace, swirling guitars, evil vocals. Now this is some solid black metal right here. “Satan-Prometheus” is a killer track with plenty of dark riffs, blasting drums and vehement screams. Even with the cleaner, choir vocals it’s the more aggressive song on the album. There’s a great scream at about 3:40 before the second half of the song comes in with a nice groove and well arranged guitars. Awesome song!

Introibo ad Alatare Satanas
The closing track is roughly 50 seconds long and is a simple outro with monk like chanting and dark atmosphere.

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