Birdflesh, Mongo Musicale
Combine punishing grindcore, a few sound clips and a “we don’t give a fuck” attitude and you’ve got yourself BIRDFLESH a band that certainly doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Aside from donning outlandish apparel on stage, the band has released a plethora of material in their 15 year existence. Their latest release, Mongo Musicale, will see it’s U.S. release in mid July after having been released overseas last year.
Popping the disc into the player, one can only grin and imagine what’s in store after a quick glance at the track listing. In just over 33 minutes, you’ll be treated to 25 tracks “Mongoloid Wannabe”, “Handicapitation”, and “Moonwalk Massacre” to name a few. Just about each track is an aural irritation that any grind fan is going to want to play extra loud, especially in the company of those that don’t get it. Starting off with the opening track, a Slayerific series of riffs, you head straight into a whirlwind of grind and chaos, unsure of what the next track will bring.
There are several tracks (too many to list) that are standouts. “Wigdestroyer” is 34 seconds of straight forward, unadulterated thrashing grindcore. To counter the bare bones grind that can be found throughout the disc, BIRDFLESH have also managed to capture a few with excellent song structure and dynamic “Dear Driver” is a prime example.
To put it as succinctly as the 7 second “Victims of the cat”, BRIDFLESH have give us a gem on Mongo Musicale. This disc is fun as hell to listen to and a must have for any fan of the band.
Favorite Tracks:
Born Tired
After-ski Obliteration
Dear Driver
The Friendly Call
Dancefloor Dismemberment
The Day Hell Came to Town